Psalm 10 reflects upon those greedy for gain who seek prosperity by preying upon the poor. Frustratingly, they seem only to prosper (v.5). The psalmist, however, is reassured that the Lord will come to the aid of the oppressed, and will bring justice to their oppressors.
O Lord, in seeking its own prosperity, COVID-19 is impoverishing our world. We pray, bring this greedy disease to justice. Free us from its oppression.
And yet, O Lord, even as we pray for deliverance from this disease, we pray also for deliverance from what makes us like this disease: the sin in our hearts that makes us at times greedy, proud, and self-seeking. During these times, we might feel increased temptation. With many of our joys stripped away, we might be tempted to prioritize our happiness, and forget the call to love and serve others. Lord, deliver us from the temptations of the evil one, and lead us in the ways of your righteousness and love. For your name’s sake, we pray. Amen.
