In Psalm 103, David calls his own soul to worship the Lord. He reflects on the Lord's many benefits. He forgives all our iniquity, he heals all our diseases, he redeems our lives from the pit, he crowns us with steadfast love and mercy, and he satisfies us with good so that our youth is renewed like the eagles (v. 2-5). David especially focuses on the forgiveness God offers in spite of our sin (v. 8-14) and the contrast between our short, fragile lives and the steadfast, everlasting love of the Lord for his people (v. 15-19).
Your love, O Lord, sets our hearts to singing. My dear mother often says: "I love you to the moon and back," and her love truly is wonderful. Yet you declare: "My love for you is greater than the infinite distance between heaven and earth" (v. 11). Such wondrous love!
Your forgiveness is just as amazing as your infinite love. You are as compassionate to us as a devoted father is to his dearly loved children (v. 13). You treat us far better than we deserve, sparing us from the due punishment of our sins (v. 10). North and South are polar opposites...almost 13,000 miles apart...but there is no measure of the distance between East and West...they never meet. And you declare: "As far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed your transgressions from you" (v. 12). You remove our sins from us, and grant us the freedom and joy of being clothed in your righteousness and your love. Our souls are light and free because of your forgiveness.
Father, we perish like blades of grass (v. 15-16); like day lilies that flower and fade within a day. Yet your steadfast love for us is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting (v. 17). Your love, O Lord, is amazing. We will sing of your love forever. Blessed be the name of our Lord! Amen and amen.
