In Psalm 108, David chooses to praise God even in the midst of hard circumstances: his enemies are prevailing against him and his armies. His people are dying (v. 11). David could complain that God is being unfair. Instead, he prays that the Lord might be merciful and give them his aid (v. 6, 12-13). And he chooses to praise God in the midst of it all, confident that God is good and still loving (v. 1-5). As the sun dawns on a new day (v. 2), hope in God's help wells up in David's heart, and he praises God at the break of day.
O Lord our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You are alone are worthy of all of our praise. Not because today is a good day. Not because we are enjoying good circumstances in our life. You are worthy of our praise because you are good. Even in the storms of life, you remain the same: faithful, loving, and true.
O Lord, we pray that you would come to our aid in the midst of the trying circumstances we face. But even more, we pray, create in us hearts that are tuned to sing your praise. Give us eyes to see and know your faithful love, even as our hardships tempt us to think life is out to get us. You are good, and you are at work in this world. One day you will renew this world and renew our hearts completely, and then heaven and earth will be one. We pray, let your kingdom come. We pray, come quickly, Lord Jesus, and make all things new. In your name do we pray, amen.
