In Psalm 110, David is given a vision of his descendant, Jesus the Christ, who like only Melchizedek before him, would be both a priest of God and a king (Hebrews 7).
Jesus, we praise you because you are our priest. As our priest, you taught us the ways of God, and you still teach us today through your Holy Spirit. As our priest, you continue to pray for us everyday without fail (Hebrews 7:25). As our priest, you offered the sacrifice that brought reconciliation between us and God (Hebrews 10:10-14). You offered yourself up in our place, that we might be saved. Hallelujah! What a perfect priest we have in you, Jesus!
Jesus, we also praise you because you are our king. Your kingdom is one of light and life and love and freedom and joy and peace, not the kingdom of darkness and death and selfishness and slavery and sin and misery we were born into (Colossians 1:13). The laws of your kingdom shape us to be righteous and generous, loving and good, and create a just and peaceful society. Like a king you rescue your people, you provide for your people, you guide your people, and you lead your people to victory and ultimately to peace. Like a good king, you sacrifice for the good of the people, rather than making the people sacrifice for your good. Yes, Jesus, you even gave up your life so that we could have life! Hallelujah! What a king we have in you, Jesus!
Jesus, let us never grow tired of singing your praise. We look forward to the day when you will bring your kingdom in full, and finally all things will be made right and we will be at peace. Grant that we might live as your ambassadors, bringing a taste of your kingdom to the places we call home. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
