"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!" (Psalm 111:10).
Lord, having a right understanding of who you are is the beginning of wisdom. As we understand that you are sovereign, we stop trying to rebel, because it's pointless. We can never overpower you, outsmart you, or outlast you. You are omnipotent, omniscient, immortal, and eternal. As we understand that you are sovereign, we learn to seek provision for our needs in you. You are generous, faithful, loving, forgiving, and kind. Why do we try to hide from you, run from you, and live without you? It's not only pointless, it's unwise! Seeking and finding you, knowing you, and being with you are the greatest joys life has to offer. You freely offer us your love and acceptance, and your peace and joy. Why would we do without? Jesus has already paid for all these blessings, that we might enjoy them at no cost to ourselves. And yet, we so often choose to worry and desperately try not to give up control. We grow anxious instead of trusting your benevolent care. We consider ourselves unlovable and try to change ourselves to fit in, or we try to find ways to numb the pain, or escape the emptiness, or bring an artificial high, but it's all in vain. Nothing can take the place of your love. Your love is the only thing deep enough and strong enough and real enough to bring us lasting joy, which doesn't fluctuate with ever-changing circumstances and plans. We pray, O Lord: grant that we might better appreciate who you are, in all your power and love, that we might all the more live rightly before you. Fearing you is the beginning of wisdom. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
