In the Lord's presence, rivers split in two and become like dry land (v. 3, 5), and rocks split in two and become fountains of flowing water (v. 8). Therefore, the author of Psalm 114 calls the earth to tremble before the Lord in awe and appreciation of his mighty power (v. 7). The psalm also highlights how the Lord used his mighty power to deliver his people out of Egypt (v. 1). This act of mercy turns this rescued people into a living temple (v. 2), as they sing in gratitude of the grace of the Lord.
Lord, the rocks, rivers, and mountains of creation cause us to marvel. The mapped mountains of the world have been around a lot longer than we have, and will exist far after we have turned to dust. Even the rocks we see in landscaping around our homes are far older than we are. And the mountains and rocks possess such fortitude that they withstand the wind and the rain, the heat and the cold, and go on and on and on. Rivers also astound us. Although water differs greatly from the firm, steadfast rock, it still possesses a great power. A swiftly moving river can effortlessly carry large vessels downstream, and a strong current may be render us powerless to cross. And yet, in the face of the might of the mountains, and the rivers, and the rocks, all of creation is subject to your surpassing power, O Lord.
Let us never forget your great power, O Lord. In the past, when your people were stuck between an army and a sea, you split the sea two. When your people were dying of thirst in the desert, you split stones in two and caused water to flow out from them. When you called your people to a new land, you split the river in two so they could cross into their new home. Lord, let us learn from your Word: we don't have to worry about tomorrow, for you will take care of us. We don't have to fear the hardships before us and all around us, for you will see us through them. Your power and your love, O Lord, help us to see our lives and our world with a different lens. Trusting you brings peace to our lives. We trust you; help us trust you more. We have peace; fill us all the more with your peace, O Lord. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
