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Psalm 119

Writer: AlexAlex

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Despite being the longest psalm, Psalm 119 is especially focused. It celebrates the wisdom of God in his Word and in his laws. Heeding God’s wisdom leads to countless blessings, including life, and joy, and peace.

Lord, you spoke and all of creation and all life sprung into being. Apart from your word there would be no life and nothing. We believe you are the author of everything that exists.

After making everything, you could have stepped aside, and let creation fend for itself or grope for the truth. However, you spoke to your creation at various times and in various ways so that we might know you, know your love, and know your ways. You guide us so that we don’t have to walk alone. You guide us so that we can living according to your perfect justice, mercy, and grace, and not just according to our feelings in the moment, our selfish desires that will cause undue harm to others, and the temptations we face to hold grudges and bear ill will toward others. Renew our hearts, O Lord, with your love. Guide us in your perfect ways. Your law, O Lord, is beautiful. We praise you for speaking to us through your Word even today, and guiding us by its holy light. Lord, let your kingdom come and reign in our hearts and lives, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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