Life isn't always easy, and the people around us aren't always supportive. In Psalm 124, David reflects on what it's like to have people gathering together in opposition against him, swelling in numbers, in strength, and in emotional energy. This angry mob forms as suddenly as a flash flood, and possesses as much force as raging torrents of water. The mob's assault is like the ambush of the powerful predator or the fowler's stealthily laid snare: a sudden strike deliberately intended to bring down in its prey. David knows it would take a miracle to survive. Hence he gives glory to God for his rescue.
Lord, we might not know what it's like to be hunted; but we do know what it's like to experience conflict. At times we clash with our family and friends, those closest to us. So what chance do we have when we face those with whom we don't get along? A mob isn't the only thing that is like a powerful flood. Sometimes anger wells up within us like a flood, and we feel tempted to let it all come spilling out, powering through anything in its way. But our aggressive shouting or our passive aggressive silent treatments won't resolve our conflicts like we want. Our display of power won't earn us the love and respect we crave. There is no such thing as winning an argument. Fighting is losing. Show us a different way, O Lord. Show us a way to live that doesn't give vent to our anger. Rescue us from the fowler's snare, the lion's jaws, and the flash flood. Save us from our own anger! This would truly be a miracle. Work in us, Holy Spirit, that which is from you: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23).
Lord, we pray: deliver us not only from the battles within us, but deliver us also from the battles outside us. Deliver us from those who seek to harm us. Protect us and keep us safe. Yes, we will go into the fire for your sake, and into the lion's den, but we pray that if it might be your will, you will protect us from all harm.
Jesus, we praise you because like David we recognize our situation would be very different without you. Not only do you help us overcome our anger, and rescue us from those who are angry with us, but you also have rescued us from the righteous wrath of God. We deserved to be swept up in his judgment and carried away for our sins, but you took our punishment upon yourself, so that we might be spared, and might be reconciled with God and live with him eternally. Yes, Jesus, we praise you as our savior forever! You have stopped the grave from swallowing us up alive, and stopped death from sinking its teeth in us, and stopped sin from ensnaring us forever. And because you've done all this, we believe you can help with the other battles we face as well: the anger we face inside us, and the anger of those who rise against us. Surely, O Lord, your love will be our salvation. We praise you again, amen!
