In Psalm 143, David again writes of his emotional turmoil as he flees from his enemies and hides from them in the dark of night, waiting for God's deliverance to come with the morning. Yes, even on the run, and in hiding, and in the dark, David still has hope! David teaches us that true hope does not arise from within, from the strength of our heart; instead, it arises as we look beyond ourselves, in faith, to our God. David confesses that his spirit is faint within him, and is starting to fail. It isn't his own strength that will get him through this; neither his physical strength, nor his intellect, nor his courage will be able to save him. His only hope is to turn to the Lord.
Father God, David learned the secret of hope. From facing trial after trial, he learned that neither his strength, intellect, nor courage were enough to see him through the trials he faced. He couldn't place his hope in himself because he knew his trials were beyond his capacity to endure. And so, he learned to turn to you in his trials. He learned that you were always with him: faithful to hear when he called out, faithful to come to his aid, and faithful to provide whatever was needed. Sometimes you gave him strength to win his battles, sometimes you gave him guidance, sometimes you gave him courage, and sometimes you gave him only patience, teaching him again to wait on you and your provision. Together, David's many trials taught him to come to you whenever he was in need. This psalm is an example, as David cries out to you for help, and in faith declares that you are his refuge.
When we face the trials of life, let us, like David, turn to you. Let us, like David, take time to recall all the ways you've helped us in the past, that we might fan our faith into flame again. Like David, preserve us, O Lord, in faith, in hope, and in your steadfast love.
Lord, like David, our souls thirst for you like a parched land thirsts for water. We pray, refresh us with showers of your grace, with reminders of your presence with us, and with fresh experiences of your amazing love. You are our God, and we will trust in you. Now and forever, we will trust in you. Now and forever, we will worship you, our God, our refuge, and our everything. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
