What an appropriate psalm to meditate upon as the 2020 US presidential election looms large on the horizon. The psalmist encourages us: "Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish" (Psalm 146:3-4). Yes, we can participate in the democratic process of electing our nation's leaders, and there are ramifications for which candidate is elected. However, as much as others would like you to believe that our country will become heaven or hell depending on which candidate is elected, this is simply not true. Our country, and our world, are in God's hands, no matter who is elected as president. The Lord holds the whole world in his hands. The world is not hell, because God is still here, present with us, at work in this world. The world is not yet heaven, because Christ has not yet returned or made all things new. One day, God has promised this will take place, but he is patiently waiting for more and more to be saved that they might also enjoy life in his kingdom (2 Peter 3:9).
Lord, we might get excited about a particular political platform, but the truth is that no platform begins to compare with your work in this world. You created everything that exists, including our planet and everything that lives on it (v. 6). You bring justice for the oppressed and give food to the hungry (v. 7). You set the prisoners free (v. 7) and give sight to the blind (v. 8). You watch over sojourners and sustain orphans and widows, and you thwart the plans of the wicked (v. 9).
Lord, we do pray for our country, and for our country's leaders, and for our country's upcoming election. We pray that our leaders present and future will carry out their responsibilities in such a way that life will be improved for the people within our country. We pray not only for our country, but for our whole world. We pray especially for those living under oppressive leadership, and pray for them to enjoy relief from this oppression.
Lord, as the election looms, we pray, let our hope not rest in a president, but in you. Only you can lead us and guide us as we need. Only you can bring us salvation. Only you can bring us life. We pray that you would prosper the gospel in our country and around the world. Fill our ministers and missionaries with your Spirit that they might faithfully preach your Word. We pray also, O Lord, that your Word would be within our mouths, that we would share our faith with those around us. For truly, you are our country's (and our world's) only hope. We put our faith in you, Holy Father. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
