“The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply…. The LORD is my chosen portion and cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance” (Psalm 16:4-6).
Lord, no one runs after sorrow. We all run after what we think will make us happy. But every pursuit of happiness apart from you will ultimately be in vain. No other god has the power to fill us like you do. No other god can give us everlasting life, endless love, and eternal joy. And so, David says: those who pursue other gods will find their sorrows multiplying.
Lord, use this time to open our eyes to the idols of our hearts. What are the things we not only miss, but are desperate for? What are the losses we not only grieve, but that devastate us? Does our sense of self come from our accomplishments at work/school/sports, our popularity among peers, our income or investments, our leisure, or is our identity founded upon your loyal love for us? Having our idols revealed to us is always painful, but it can also be liberating. Do us the kindness, Lord, of helping us see the vanity of chasing our idols so that we might forsake them and pursue you. Grant that like David, we might find you to be our chosen portion, our full cup, our pleasant lot, our beautiful inheritance. In Jesus’ name, amen.
