Psalm 2 depicts God crowning his Son king of the world. The earthly rulers are invited to consider how they will respond: those who rebel against the Son’s authority will be like a clay pot smashed by a rod of iron. Alternatively, those who seek refuge in the Son will be blessed.

O Lord, it has been observed that the coronavirus gets its name from its crown-like shape (as “corona” in Latin means “crown”). Indeed, this “crowned-virus” is setting itself up like an impostor king over all the world. Because of this “king” legislation has been changed, economies have crumbled, events have been canceled, media attention has been consumed, physically present social interaction has all but ceased, and many lives have been claimed.
Yet, O Lord, we know this “king” is an impostor. We know you, Lord Jesus, sit enthroned as the one true king over all the world. And so we pray: throw down this self-proclaimed king from his throne. Dash the coronavirus and his reign to pieces, like a clay pot smashed by an iron rod. We pray not only for the overthrowal of his kingdom, but for the overthrowal of all the kingdoms of darkness. Speed, O Jesus, the day of your return, when your kingdom of light will be established fully and forever, and we who have taken refuge in you will be blessed.
Your Word teaches us, Lord Jesus, that you tarry in bringing your kingdom only so that more and more might take refuge in you and be saved on that last day. May the praise of Jesus be ever on your lips, that through us, the world might come to know of your great mercy and be saved. May these difficult days only speed more and more to flee the kingdoms of darkness and find refuge in your name. Hallelujah, amen.