Psalm 23 is written by a shepherd-king reflecting on the shepherd-like care the King of Kings provides for his people.
Lord Jesus, you invite us to see ourselves as sheep, and you as our providing and protecting shepherd. Sometimes we wander purposelessly, wasting energy that may be needful for the journeys you have planned for us. You make us lie down and rest. Sometimes we find ourselves in barren wilderness, and we contentedly munch on the dry, brown grass, unaware that you have so much better in store for us. You prod us forward, and lead us to green pastures. You sometimes take the longer path, but you lead us beside still waters, that we might be refreshed along the way. Sometimes the path forward is through the darkest valleys, which we would never enter alone, but you go with us, and your presence assures us we will make it through.
We might not face actual lions, and wolves, and bears (the predators of sheep), but we do face many things that threaten to undo us: disease, financial distress, opposition by others, and worst of all, temptation to sin, which destroys us from the inside out. Your rod and staff comfort us. Use these shepherd’s tools to beat back the things that seek to destroy us, even when that means we must come under your discipline. Protect us, Lord, from all harm; from others, and even from ourselves.
Because of your care, Lord Jesus, we know that we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. We praise you, now and forever, amen.
