While some delight in David’s righteousness (Psalm 35:27), others rejoice when he stumbles (v.15), and desire to see his downfall (v.25). They even seek to cause his downfall by their gossip (v.11). The most tragic part of it all is that these gossips are repaying David evil for good (v.12). In the past, when they were in hard circumstances, David fasted and prayed for them, as he would for a friend, brother, or even his own mother (v.13-14). They return the favor of David’s earnest prayers for them (hoping for their deliverance), with their gossip about David (hoping for his destruction). They are like a pit of roaring lions, eager to devour their prey (v.17). David’s only hope is that the Lord will come to his rescue, like a hero armed with shield and spear (v.1-3).
Lord, it hurts whenever others seek to harm us…but it hurts all the more when this harm comes not from strangers, but people we know; and not from enemies, but from those we’ve shed sweat, blood, and tears trying to help and serve over the years. When those we have earnestly prayed for, earnestly seek to cause us harm, we are wounded deeply.
Lord, temptations abound for us when others harm us. We are tempted to return gossip for gossip, lion’s roar for lion’s roar, spear thrust for spear thrust. We are tempted to fight fire with fire. But we don’t want to be like our enemies. We don’t want our hearts to be consumed with keeping grudges and seeking vengeance. We don’t want to be driven by anger, hate, or malice. We want our hearts to be free and clear to love our neighbor as ourselves, even as you have commanded us. There is joy and peace in living according to your law of love. Let us know this peace, O Lord.
Lord, to know this peace, we must, like David, entrust shield and spear not to ourselves, but to you. A shield in our hands will lead only to pride and self-justification. A spear in our hands will lead only to a cycle of violence and vengeance. Yet if we can trust you, and remain humble and forgiving, you will protect us and deliver us. You will save us from all harm. You will throw down all those who do evil, and lift up all those who trust in you. On that day, we will praise you with great joy. And today, we will praise you with great hope, for we know that your salvation is coming. Amen.
