Psalm 36 begins with a look at the corrupting power of sin. Sin starts in the heart (v.1), colors a person's perception of reality (v.1-2), and then shapes that person's words and actions (v.3). Eventually, this person is enslaved by evil both day and night (v.4). In contrast, the LORD is wholly without sin, perfectly pure, and entirely good. His attributes are compared to the most magnificent features of creation (v.5-6), and described with vivid experiential expressions (v.7-9).
Lord, at 5.5 miles high, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on earth, the king of all mountains...but no mountain compares to the glory of your righteousness. The ocean's Mariana Trench is 7 miles deep, but it fails to compare to the grandeur of your justice. We measure the heavens in light-years (1 light year is almost 6,000,000,000,000 miles), but even light-millennia (if there were such a thing) would be too short a standard to even begin to measure your infinite love and faithfulness.
Your love, O Lord, is like that of a protective mother bird who spreads her wings over her young. Your love is like an abundant feast provided by a generous host. Your love is like a fountain flowing with the most refreshing waters. Your love is like the light of the sun, illuminating our world in glorious displays of color. Your love is the cause of our joy, the source of our song, our life, our everything.
We love you, O Lord, and pray: "Continue your steadfast love to those who know you!" (v.10). We gratefully pray in Jesus' name, amen.
