Psalm 4 was written by David when he was the victim of gossip. If David’s life was on the line in Psalm 3, his reputation is on the line in Psalm 4. But don’t we sometimes care more for our reputation than our very life?
Lord, again we hear of David’s trust in you that allows him to sleep through the night. May our trust in you continue to increase that we too might enjoy the peace and calm David had throughout the many storms of his life. In the Psalms, Lord, we see truly that you are the source of David’s strength. Even as the victim of gossip, with his reputation on the line, David wrote that because of you, he had more joy in his heart than others have when they bring in a record-breaking harvest. That joy is based on circumstances, but our joy in you transcends our circumstances. Jesus, you are the joy of our hearts, now and forever, and with our lips and with our lives we praise you. Amen.
