Psalm 45 is a love song, which, in part, celebrates and praises the beauty of character and virtue: “In your majesty ride out victoriously for the cause of truth and meekness and righteousness” (Ps. 45:4).
Lord, too seldom do we heed your call to be “slow to speak”. And when we do speak, we confess we don’t always speak up for the causes of “truth, meekness, and righteousness,” the causes championed in Ps. 45:4. Grant that we might search our hearts and the words that spring from them, that we might more clearly see the causes we are promoting. Far too often, our words are self-promoting, exalting ourselves as models of superior wisdom and virtue, and disparaging others for their folly and vice. Grant that I might not hold others to the standard of who I am, but that I might ever seek to be conformed to your standards for me, O Lord. Grant that I might not see my job as the judge of others and how they measure up to my standards (or even your standards), but grant that I might see my job as the servant of others.
To do all this, we confess that we need your help, Lord. We are prone to exalt ourselves as the judge of others, so we need you to let your love flow in our hearts, that we might see ourselves humbly and see others with love. Let us remember, O Lord, how you saved us from our sins, that we might not proudly declare our self-righteousness but gratefully declare the gift of your righteousness to us. Let us remember your love to us, that we might all the more see others with the love we have received from you. Lord Jesus, in your name do we pray. Amen.
