In Psalm 50, God, the just judge of the universe, presses pause on his final judgment of the world, and extends an invitation to those who will listen to turn to him and be saved. What was general in Psalm 50, becomes intensely personal in Psalm 51. King David had used his power to serve himself at the expense of others, instead of expending himself for the benefit of others: a picture of tragic injustice. In this psalm, King David has finally been convicted of his sins and confesses them before God.
O Lord, sometimes we're quick to judge the sins of others. But it's only your grace that keeps us from doing the same things. We have the same sin in our hearts. Like David, we want our lives to be filled with pleasure and comfort. Like David, sometimes we let our hearts be led by our selfish desires instead of the desire to serve others. We may or may not commit adultery like David did, but even when we're lazy, we're sinfully putting ourselves before others. We may or may not commit murder like David did, but even when we get angry with another person, we can be treating them as less important than our comfort or convenience. O God, help us! Like David, we pray: "wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!" (Ps. 51:2).
David trusted in the promises of your grace...but we have something even better. We have not only heard your promises like David did, but we have also seen your payment. Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins so that we might be completely forgiven forever. Lord, let us rejoice in your forgiveness, and may this transform us. Grant that we might be grateful, offering you our praise and the gift of a holy life. Help us also to become forgiving people. "We love, because you first loved us." Amen.
