In Psalm 55, David laments the treachery of his close friend (v. 12-14, 20-21); someone who even went to church with him in the past (v. 14). Because of his friend's betrayal, David's life is on the line (v. 4). David muses (in essence): "If only I had wings! Then I could fly far away, and find shelter to hide me from the gathering storm, and be at peace, like a dove" (v.6-8).
Lord, we hate suffering enough as it is. But when it is caused by those closest to us...and is caused by them intentionally to hurt's too much to bear! We trusted them! We loved them! How could they do this to us? Our hearts ache with the betrayal and the broken trust.
And yet, Lord, you saw David through this desperate time in his life. Though his friend almost cost him his life, you carried David through danger and storm and delivered him from these trials. Perhaps, Lord, you can do the same for us? Whether our trials are caused by friends or not, we pray that you will save us from them all. We know we can't grow wings and fly away from all our troubles; but we know you offer to be a refuge for us right where we are. We don't need to fly to the wilderness, like David desired. Even where we are, you can protect us. We can have peace no matter where we are, no matter what we're facing, because of you. You are with us, and you will never leave us or forsake us. You will be with us forever. And as we rest in you, one day the storm around us will fade, and then we will be at peace forever. We pray, Lord Jesus, come quickly and bring your kingdom of peace to reign over our world forever and ever. In your name, we pray. Amen.
