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Psalm 56

Writer: AlexAlex

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Does it ever feel like things just keep going wrong? David laments that an attacker oppresses him all day long (Psalm 56:1), that his enemies trample on him all day long (v. 2), and that they trouble him all day long (v. 5). There is no relief. David just keeps getting knocked down again and again and again. David finds hope in this thought: God is tallying every time David gets tossed about (v. 8). He is recording every tear David cries in his great book of records, and even collecting each tear in a bottle (v. 8). No, God does not literally collect our tears. But they are precious to him (compare Psalm 116:15). The suffering of his saints is too costly to ever be without purpose. What is the purpose of our pain? There are too many possible reasons to list now, but pain can be a purifying fire that helps burn off dross within us that we might shine forth as the precious metal God made us to be. Sometimes our pain is more for the sake of others than for our own sake, that they might see how we glorify God in the midst of it all, and find their own estimation of God's goodness growing because of our testimony. For now, let's just be content to say that David takes comfort in the fact that God sees each one of his tears that fall. Not one is missed, and not one will be forgotten. God knows our pain intimately. More intimately than we do ourselves. (Have you ever counted your tears, let alone, count every one of your tears? Do you remember every time you ever cried and everything that ever made you cry? God does. And he cares.)

God, you know us better than we know ourselves. You even know the history of our tears better than we do. Yes, because you're all-knowing, but especially because you're all-caring. You care about us so much, you notice every tear we shed. And you care for us every single time. We praise you for this, O Lord. Whether or not this is a day of tears or a season of tears for me, I praise you that you are always with me, and always there for me.

Lord, give me the strength to keep getting back up again, as often as life knocks me down. I trust you, Lord, and know that you will help me through what I'm facing right now. And when you do, I will be singing songs of thanksgiving.

Lord, help me also be more perceptive of the tears of others. Grant that you might use me all the more to be a support to others who are hurting. Grant that I might be the hands and feet of Jesus, that others might see your love through me. I pray this all for the good of your people and for the glory of your name. We pray, amen.


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