Psalm 6 is a prayer from David when he was greatly afflicted. He was experiencing emotional turmoil (v.6-7) due to his life being threatened by his enemies (v.4-5). The stress was so great it manifested itself in physical symptoms (v.2-3).
O Lord, some of us are facing emotional turmoil like David did. Some of us may be crying ourselves to sleep, like he did (v.6). Perhaps that lonely widow quarantined in the nursing home who hasn’t had a visitor in almost 2 months? Perhaps our tears are fueled by the disappointment of things cancelled? Perhaps, like David, the stress and worry of these days make us feel like a washrag being wrung out, and the intense pressure we are facing is squeezing the tears out of us? Like David, we pray: “O LORD—how long?” (v.3).
Jesus, we come to you with our tears. We come to you with our prayers. Even in the midst of our pain, we come to you with our gratitude. Thank you that a psalm like Psalm 6 is in the Bible, so that we can know what to do when we are in pain. We come to you in prayer. Lord, hear our prayers. Deliver us, we pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.
