King David and the Israelites were engaged in the Aramean wars, defeating the Ammonites, the Aramean allies, and the Syrians who came to their aid. While returning from their victories in the north, they came home to find that the Edomites of the south had attacked their defenseless country, which would propel the Israelites into the Edomitish war. Psalm 60 expresses the Israelites' dismay at discovering these attacks. Eventually, the Israelites would prevail, as referenced in Joab's victory over the Edomities (Joab was the commander of David's armies). For more information, see Delitzsch, Psalms Vol. 2, p. 194.
O Lord, David describes the ground quaking under his feet, making the people stumble as if intoxicated (v.2-3). Perhaps this was a physical earthquake that shook the ground at this time? Or perhaps David was poetically describing the emotional turmoil his men experienced as they came back from winning a war in the north, only to find their country pillaged from the south? How painful this discovery must have been for them!
We may not know the ups and downs of military victory and defeat, but we do know somewhat of the roller coaster life can be. At one moment we feel at the top of the world, and at the next moment we feel like we've crash landed at the bottom. David leads his men how to respond to this tragedy. He encourages them to turn to you.
Yes, Lord, even with our emotions raw, we are encouraged to come before. Even when we say things like: "God, you have rejected us, broken down our defenses" and "You do not go forth, O God, with our armies" (v. 1 and 10). Yet, even as we vent our pain to you, we realize you are not our enemy. We realize that you love us (v. 5), that you alone can save us (v. 5, and v. 11), and that you will lead us to victory (v. 12).
Lord, when victory is followed by defeat, when we reach the end of our strength, let us not despair, but let us turn to you. In you, we will find salvation. We praise you, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
