"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us." (Psalm 62:8)
O Lord, this psalm recounts times when it might be harder to trust you:
...when people "kick us while we're down," exploiting our hardships and weaknesses just because they want to see us fall...
...when people talk flatteringly toward us with their mouths, but their hearts are full only of ill will toward us...
...when our circumstances are so impoverished that we're tempted to pursue dishonest gain, through manipulation, deceit, extortion, robbery, or a host of other methods of benefiting ourselves at the expense of others...
Despite these trying circumstances, when others attack us or when temptation suggests we strike (or strike back), we know you are a refuge for us, O Lord. You will preserve us and sustain us amidst every evil attack. And when we seek refuge in you, we can even find escape from the evil that threatens to reign in our hearts. O Lord, we do trust you, in all times. And we pour out our hearts before you. Amen.
