"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity" (Psalm 68:5-6)
Father God, you are the God of orphans, widows, individuals who don't have a family, and prisoners. For the fatherless, O Lord, you are a father: you offer orphans guidance, provision, protection, and love. For the widows, you are like a husband: you offer companionship, friendship, provision, and protection. For those who are on their own, you offer not only a place to stay, but you offer the opportunity to belong; to be wanted and loved. For prisoners, you offer freedom and flourishing.
O Lord, these verses remind us that you see our needs. Yes, you see all our physical needs, but you see all our relational needs too. And these verses remind us that while you certainly created us to enjoy relationships with others, we were also created for relationship with you; and only in you will we find everything we need.
Lord, draw near to us in the midst of our needs. Lift our eyes to behold your generous hand and loving heart. Fill our hearts with hope again that you can do something about our circumstances. You can help in our need, and you will always go with us, strengthening us and upholding us, helping us endure every trial, until you lead us out of our sorrows and struggles and into glory and joy and love forever and ever. Praise be to our God and Savior! Amen.
