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Psalm 69

Writer: AlexAlex

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

In Psalm 69, David faces persecution for his faith in God (v.7), including false accusations from his thousands of enemies (v.4); being shunned by his brothers (v.8); being gossiped about in public, and mocked by the drunkards (v.9-12); and being given poison for food and sour wine for his thirst (v.21). Yet as David is afflicted and in pain, he places his hope in God (v.29) and decides to praise God in his pain (v.30). David takes comfort knowing that his praise will bring joy and renew hope for others who trust in God (v.32).

Personally, O Lord, my faith is strengthened most by the testimonies of those who persevere in praise in the midst of persecution and pain. If they can find hope in you in the bleakest of circumstances, and if they can experience joy in you in their darkest days (or decades), then perhaps in you there is hope for me too? Perhaps in you I can have joy? Indeed, Lord, this has been my experience. In you, I have joy, even in my hardest days.

This psalm, O Lord, makes me think not only of David and his faith in you, but also of Jesus and his faithfulness to us. Like David, Jesus was hated without cause (v.4), was asked to pay what he did not owe (v.4), bore reproach for God's sake (v.7), was rejected by his brothers (v.8), was consumed with zeal for God's house (v.9), found no pity from his persecutors (v.20), was given sour wine to drink by his enemies (v.21), and yet, Jesus praised you in his pain (v.29-30), knowing his praise would lead to revival and joy for all who humbly seek you (v.32). Jesus, thank you for enduring all this for us! Your unconquerable love for us fills us with an invincible joy, that no amount of persecution or pain can ever snuff out!

Lord, renew to me the joy of my salvation; and fill my heart with such hope that I can praise you through the pain. Speed, O Lord, the day of our salvation: the day of no more pain, no more tears, no more death. In the name of our Savior, we pray, amen.


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