In Psalm 7, David has been falsely accused and turns to the Lord in prayer for his deliverance.
Lord, through our daily prayers we pray: shape our hearts so that our first instinct is to turn to you whenever we are in need. Sometimes, like in Psalm 7, we’ll need justice for when we’ve been wronged. Other times, we’ll need mercy, for when we’ve done wrong. In either case, and in every case, let us turn to you, O Lord, because you are our God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.
There is comfort for us in David’s words: “God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day” (v.11). At first, we might not think it a good thing that you describe yourself as feeling indignation every day. But indignation is not mere anger. It is anger toward injustice. It is good that every day, even when we grow tired and stop caring about injustice, you continue in your righteous indignation. It reminds us that you are not apathetic about our suffering. It reminds us that you have set an appointed judgment day, when you will finally set all things right, ending all our suffering and pain, and purifying our hearts from sin forever. We long for your kingdom to come and reign supreme, O Lord, both in our world and in our hearts. In Jesus’ name, amen.
