"At the set time that I appoint I will judge with equity. When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars." (Psalm 75:2-3)
God, at times it does seem like the earth is tottering, like it might at any moment collapse under the weight of all the disasters and hardships it is enduring. With this image in mind, we hear hope in your Word, as you declare "it is I who keep steady the pillars of the earth" (v.3). The earth will not fall to pieces because you uphold its foundation. The problems of the world may overwhelm us, but they do not overwhelm you. You will preserve this world, and even renew it, according to your promises, so that one day you will come and dwell with us here, even as you promised us in the closing chapters of Revelation. What a day that will be when the New Jerusalem comes out of the clouds and rests on the renewed earth. Then we will dwell with you forever and ever. Never again to be shaken; never again to suffer or sorrow. Forever and ever to experience your abundant love, peace, and joy.
As we think of the tottering earth we now call home being one day restored and established firm forever, we give you praise, O Lord. And we give you praise that that day and time has been set by you (v.2). We have more than a dream of a better future, we have a sure hope based on your faithful promises and your unfailing love. You are upholding the pillars of this earth. You will bring justice here, and bring your kingdom here, and we will live with you forever. Hallelujah, amen.
