In Psalm 76, we see that God's almighty power is to be feared (v. 7, 8, 11, 12). The power of princes pales before his awesome power (v.12). By God's rebuke, both rider and horse are flattened to the ground, and lay as if stunned (v.6); at his word, the whole earth stands still (v.8). And yet, God's power is to be praised, because he wields it for good. His power brings peace, shattering every arrow, shield, and sword, and every other weapon of war (v.3). His power brings salvation, delivering all the humble of the earth from the oppression of their proud princes (v.9).
Almighty God, one day every knee will bow before: your enemies will bow before you in submission, recognizing their defeat, and your people will bow before you in reverence and adoration, celebrating your victory. Even now, Lord, we bow before you, and declare: "Your awesome power and amazing love are without equal. God, there is no one like you. You alone are mighty and merciful, fearsome and forgiving, gracious and grand."
Father God, we look forward to the day when arrows, shields, and swords will be shattered. This will be the day when your kingdom comes in full and your dominion is absolute. There will be no more weapons of war, because every enemy will be neutralized. There will be no more shields because there will be no more fear of harm from others at all. There will be peace, where every person cares for one another and only desires each other's good. O Lord, speed the day of your return, when all these things shall come to pass. We pray in your name, amen.
