Psalm 82 uses language in a way that most Christians wouldn't. In verse 6, God calls human rulers "gods, sons of the Most High." Most Christians would hesitate to call anyone "god" except God himself. However, Christians will agree that all human beings are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27), and are image-bearers. To reflect God's image into the world around us (and thereby fill the whole world with his glory), we are to reflect his character, his care, and his rule. The gods of Psalm 82 are those human authorities, who in a real and particular way, have been called to represent God's character, care, and rule as the princes, rulers, and leaders of their people. Their job is to be representatives of God. God therefore graciously bestows on them his title "god," even though they do not possess the uniquely divine attributes (such as immortality). Even so, God remains the judge of the earth, and holds accountable all who are tasked to represent him.
Sovereign Lord, you are perfect in wisdom, perfect in love, perfect in justice, and perfect in grace. We are grateful that you are on your throne. We are grateful you see the injustices of the world and will hold leaders accountable for their partiality and inattentiveness to the needs of others. We are grateful for the leaders who do reflect your character, care, and rule, and help fill this world with your glory. What a gift they are to us, O Lord! We pray for more and more leaders who will serve in keeping with your justice and grace.
We are grateful, O Lord, that one day you will renew this world, and on that day injustice will be over forever. Poverty will be gone. Disease and death will be history. We will live together in perfect unity with people of every race and tribe, and with one voice we will praise your name forever! We have so much for which we're looking forward, and it really is all thanks to you. We are grateful you are our God, the one and only God, the Sovereign God who rules over all.
Grant that we, O Lord, may increasingly reflect your image and your glory into this world. Grant that we might heed your wisdom, follow your counsel, reflect your love, embrace your justice, and lavish your grace upon others. Help us be instruments of your peace. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.