You may be familiar with the idiom: "I'd love to be a fly on the wall..." referring to the desire to listen in on a private conversation. Well in Psalm 84, the desire is not to be a fly on the wall, but a sparrow in the Temple of God (v. 3). Apparently, the psalmists have noticed birds that have taken up residence in the outdoor courtyards of God's Temple, and have heard the birds' joyful singing, like songs of praise to God (v. 4). The psalmists' desire is to be like the birds, always in the wonderful presence of God and always singing his praise (v. 2).
"My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God" (v. 2). O Lord, though we never have been to the Temple courtyard of old, we understand the longing of the psalmists to be in your presence and to sing your praise. For you have filled our lives with blessings. You have forgiven us our sins, you have reconciled us to yourself, you have given us peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ, you have made us whole. We can never praise you we might as well pack our bags and move into the Temple, so we can keep on singing and the birds who chirp and trill all through the day.
