Life has its ups and downs. The context of Psalm 85 is the downs of life. But the psalmists turn to God in hope. He was the one who brought about their ups in the past, even in the midst of their downs. If anyone can help them in their downs now, surely it is God.
Lord, in the past, you forgave the iniquity of your people. You even atoned for their sin (v. 2). This gives us hope. Like them, we are sinners, and like them, we also come under your discipline. We hope, therefore, that like them, we might also receive your mercy. We pray: "Restore us again, O God of our salvation" (v. 4). We pray: "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?" (v. 6). We confess our sinfulness that makes us need restoration and revival again and again. We also profess our faith that you are the God of salvation. We are lost without you; but with you we are secure, held fast by amazing love. "Show us your steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation" (v. 7). Amen and amen.
