In Psalm 90, Moses prays: "Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (v. 12). He reflects that a thousand years are like a few hours for God (v. 4), and yet humans rarely live even to a hundred years (v. 10). Moses writes that our years are marked with "toil and trouble," and that "they are soon gone," and that our years "end like a sigh" (v. 9-10). Though life seems so fleeting, Moses prays for God's mercy. He prays: "Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days" (v. 14).
O Lord, Moses reminds us what should be obvious: our "secret sins" are not hidden from you who sees and knows all things, even the inner workings of our hearts and minds (v. 8). Therefore, let us not waste our short lives trying to hide our sins from you, or trying to hide ourselves from you, thinking we might thereby avoid your wrath. Rather, let us come before you freely confessing our sins to you, for you have promised to be merciful and forgive us every sin we confess. Moreover, you seek not only to forgive us, but to lavish your loving kindness upon us, to shower us with your gracious blessings, and to satisfy us with your steadfast love (v. 14). We praise you for this unmerited, undeserved love which you freely and joyfully give us. Your love sets our hearts to singing!
Lord, "from everlasting to everlasting you are God" (v. 2). When we consider the works of your hands, the mountains you made at the dawn of creation (v. 2), we are filled with awe at your work. Our lives, however, are as fleeting as smoke, and we fear that the work we accomplish will be just as fleeting (v. 17). With Moses, we pray: "establish the work of our hands!" No Lord, we seek not to build buildings that will last for thousands of years like your mighty mountains, but we pray that our lives will have meaning, that our work will make a difference. We pray that our work will be a blessing to the people of this world. We pray that our work will pave the way for our children to know you and your love. We pray, Lord, use us and our work to more fully bring your kingdom into this world: your justice, your grace, your love, your truth, even your salvation, Lord. Use us as ambassadors of your kingdom in this world, and establish the work of our hands. In Jesus' name, amen.
