Isn't it good to know that the Lord our God is strong? In Psalm 93, the roar of the seas is imagined as thunderous praise for the Lord our God. But it isn't just the voice of the sea that is on display. The sheer power of the sea is also featured in this psalm. The sea's power humbles us, because we know that even in a great ship, when we are out to sea, we are at the mercy of the sea. Or rather: we are at the mercy of the Lord of all the earth who is sovereign over all creation. As we consider the power of the sea, and how fearful that might be, we consider the infinitely greater power of God. This should cause us even greater fear, especially as we consider his absolute holiness, and his absolute commitment to justice. But when we see his justice has been satisfied through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, our fear of God's power is transformed into gratitude. We are grateful that the only one in all the universe who is Almighty is the God who loves us enough to die for us.
Almighty God, we rejoice in your strength today. We rejoice in your strength because we know you are good and will use your strength in perfect righteousness. We rejoice in your strength because we know that you love us and will use your strength to prosper us. Your absolute strength is perfect because your righteousness is perfect, your love is perfect, your wisdom is perfect. You, O Lord, are perfect in all of your attributes. You are holy, Lord, and there is none like you.
As we consider your strength, Lord, let our worries fade away. Jesus reminded us that you feed the sparrows and clothe the grasses of the field and that you will certainly care for us too. Your Word reminds us that nothing is impossible for you. It reminds us that you can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. It reminds us that you give us a way out of every temptation we face. It reminds us that you equip us for every task you call us to. It reminds us that you are seeing to completion the work you started in us. It reminds us that we are held in your hands and that no one can snatch us from your care. O Lord, we thank you for these promises. We thank you for your strength. Help us with what we face today. In Jesus' name, amen.
