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Psalm 95

Writer: AlexAlex

God is the Creator and Lord of all the earth: of the valleys and mountains (v. 4), and the sea and the land (v. 5) He is also our Maker and King (v. 6). In the ancient world, a common metaphor for the king and his people was a shepherd and his sheep, as a good king would offer his people protection, provision, guidance, and rescue, even as a shepherd did for his sheep (v. 7; also see Psalm 23). In addition to the benefits of being a king's subject or a shepherd's sheep there was responsibility. In John 10, Jesus puts it like this: his sheep listen to his voice. In Psalm 95, the psalmist exhorts his hearers not to stubbornly dismiss the voice of their shepherd, to their own peril (v. 7-11). Instead, they are exhorted to come before the Lord with praise (v. 1-2, 6). "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!" (v. 6).

Today, O Lord, remind us that we are like sheep. And like sheep, we need a shepherd. We're so tempted to think that we are independent creatures, when in reality, we are fundamentally dependent on you for every good thing.

You are our Maker, our Savior, and our King. Everything we have, you have given us. Everything we are, is all thanks to you. We have no good thing or no good characteristic that has not come from you. You are the author of everything good.

Let our voices rise in praise of you this day. May all our days be filled not with pride of possessions or accomplishments, but with gratitude for your gracious provision. We praise you, Lord, that you are our shepherd, that you lead us, and protect us, and care for us, and even rescue us when we are in danger. Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd, because you not only risked your life for us, but you gave your life for us. You laid down your life for us on the cross, that we might be saved. With your love, Lord, you have won our allegiance. You are our King, and we now seek to heed your every word and obey your every command. Guide us today, as we seek to walk in your way. And as we stray, keep guiding us back on course, that our lives might bring glory to you, our Shepherd and King. In Jesus' name, amen.


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