Psalm 99 is a psalm of praise unto the Lord, the sovereign king of all the nations (v. 1-3), who rules the universe with absolute justice (v. 4-5), who listens to and answers all those who call on him and guides them in his ways (v. 6-7), and who forgives and disciplines his people (v. 8), even as a father forgives and disciplines the children he loves. The LORD our God is holy: let us worship him at his holy mountain (v. 9).
O Lord our God, your name is holy. There is none like you. Your power is perfect. Your authority is absolute. Your perfect justice brings us peace and joy. Your availability and attentiveness to us is amazing. Your guidance is a gracious gift. Your forgiveness is fantastic. Your discipline is humbling but helpful.
O Lord, as we consider just how wonderful you are and how wonderful you are to us, grant that our delusions of independence and self-sufficiency would fade, that we would no longer try to do life on our own and by our own strength and goodness. Let us rest in your goodness, depend on your strength, delight in your gracious provision, and rejoice in your love. Truly, you are everything to us, O Lord. We praise your holy name, amen.
